Monday, September 20, 2010

Only One Day Remains - Help Gaga in the Fight for Equality!!

Lady Gaga Speaks at 'Don't' Ask, Don't Tell' Rally -- Part 1 of 2

Little Monsters,

In just over 24 hours, the full Senate will determine whether "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) repeal will move forward this year. Tomorrow at 2:15 p.m. EST the full Senate will vote to block a filibuster of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which contains the repeal provisions.

Tuesday afternoon's vote will determine whether Senator John McCain's threat to mount a filibuster on the Defense bill will prevail. The consequences of failing to cut off the filibuster would be disastrous not just for repeal, but for our troops, who rely on critical funding that the annual Defense bill provides.

Call both your senators at the Capitol switchboard right now and urge them to vote to end the filibuster and move on to a real debate on the Defense bill. No spin. No more delays. This should be a bipartisan vote.

(202) 224-3121

Don't let opponents of open service hold up critical funding for our troops and prospects for repeal. Supporters of open service cannot let up. If you have already called your senators, call both of them again.

Call the Capitol switchboard and tell both your senators to follow the lead of Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) to stop the filibuster and begin debating passage of the Defense bill.

(202) 224-3121

Speak up for all our service members today and spread the word to your friends:

The critical hour has come. Help us get another step closer to the finish line.

Thank you.

Aubrey Sarvis
SLDN Executive Director

P.S. Today at 4 p.m. SLDN will hold a rally with young people and gay and straight veterans near the University of Southern Maine campus at Deering Oaks Park, Portland, ME, in a major Senate push to break the expected filibuster by Sen. John McCain of the Defense bill. Keep updated on Twitter with the hashtag: #4the14k Sign up here.

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